Lemon Charlotte



*for a removable mold of 20 cm

  • Soletilla biscuits (a variable amount, depending on the size of the biscuits)

  • 1 package of lemon gelatin for 4 servings (Royal weighs 85 g)

  • 200 gr of Philadelphia type cream cheese

  • 400 ml of liquid cream

  • 150 ml juice of 1 lemon (and the zest to decorate)

  • 4 tablespoons of sugar

  • Mint leaves to decorate

    For the filling:

    1. To begin with, we heat the lemon juice in the microwave for 1 minute.

    Add the lemon jelly and mix well until it dissolves completely. We let temper.

    2. Meanwhile we mount the cream until it is firm. Add the sugar and cream cheese and continue beating until everything is integrated.

    3. Now we add the lemon juice to the mixture and mix with a spatula and soft movements so that the cream does not come down

    For the assembly of the charlotte:

    1. We go to the removable mold. Cover the walls and the bottom of the mold with sponge cake.

    2. Pour half of the mixture and put another layer of chopped sponge cake so that they occupy the entire surface.Finish with the rest of the lemon mixture and smooth the surface well.

    3. Cover with plastic wrap and let cool in the fridge overnight.

    4. The next day we unmold and decorate with lemon zest and mint leaves

Clarissa Llenza