Roasted Peppers and Eggplant Dip Lutenitsa


2 eggplants
4 red bell peppers
3/4 cup canned whole tomatos

1/4 cup tomate paste

2-5 cloves garlic

fresh parsley, to taste

1-2 Tbsp red wine vinegar

olive oil, as needed


Rinse and poke holes in the eggplant.

  1. Roast eggplant, bell peppers, on a medium-low grill for about an hour, flipping once. You may also cook them at 350F in a conventional oven.

  2. Scoop the eggplant and peppers out of the charred skin and drain off any extra juices

  3. Add 2 tbps of olive oil to a pan and add 1/4 cup of tomato paste at medium high. with the back of a spoon cook well the tomato paste until it starts turning orange in color, about 3 to 4 minutes.

  4. Add all ingredients to a food processor and proscess just to combined, you want a thick spread. then add to the pan with the tomato paste and cook in low for 15 minutes until it becomes a thick spread.

  5. For a mellow garlic flavor, you may roast the cloves. Wrap in foil and remove when soft and sweet - about 30 minutes.

  6. Add fresh parsley on top

  7. Serve with toasted pita triangles or as a side dish

Clarissa Llenza